Rejuvenating Workouts To De-Stress

Rejuvenating Workouts To De-Stress

This is week three of the “coronavirus quarantine” for my family and me. And while we haven’t killed one another yet, we are definitely getting a little antsy. The hardest part for me is not being able to work out at the gym like I usually do! To combat the lack-of-gym problem, I found a few great workouts to de-stress.

When stress gets the best of me, I like to do workouts to de-stress. Whether it be in a yoga flow, a quick run around the block, or another kind of exercise, I always feel better. The next time you're antsy, find your chi with these incredible workouts that will help you de-stress. #workouts #athomeworkout #myblahblahblahgblog

And just remember that during these uncertain times, it doesn’t matter how long or hard you work out, just as long as you have found some way to get your blood pumping.

This is week three of the "coronavirus quarantine" for my family and I. And while we haven't killed one another yet, we are definitely getting a little antsy. The hardest part for me is not being able to work out at the gym like I usually do! To combat the lack-of-gym problem, I found a few great workouts to de-stress.

Workouts to de-stress: yoga

Yoga is one of the best workouts to do in the comfort of your own home. Yoga is magically de-stressing and for most people, it’s easier to de-stress at home. Additionally, yoga is shown to have great health benefits depending on the poses shown. For a workout that is supposed to help with immunity, check out this 30-minute yoga video from Yoga With Kassandra. Alternatively, if you aren’t new to the whole yoga thing, feel free to do your own thing and flow on your own. It’s fun being able to craft your routines around what exactly your body needs.

This is week three of the "coronavirus quarantine" for my family and I. And while we haven't killed one another yet, we are definitely getting a little antsy. The hardest part for me is not being able to work out at the gym like I usually do! To combat the lack-of-gym problem, I found a few great workouts to de-stress.  Take a look!

Workouts to de-stress: exercise

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have any exercise equipment or if you are living in the tiniest apartment possible, you can still get a good workout that will help you de-stress and stay in shape. To begin, do 4 sets of 20 jumping jacks.

This is week three of the "coronavirus quarantine" for my family and I. And while we haven't killed one another yet, we are definitely getting a little antsy. The hardest part for me is not being able to work out at the gym like I usually do! To combat the lack-of-gym problem, I found a few great workouts to de-stress.  Check them out!

This will get your heart rate going. Next, do 4 sets of 25 situps, followed by 4 sets of 10 push-ups (more if you can swing it), 4 sets of 25 squats, and 4 more sets of 20 jumping jacks to cool down. Or, if you’d rather follow a video, check out this awesome walkthrough from She Knows.

Workouts to de-stress: wellness and self care

If you are struggling with depression or anxiety on top of your stress (and who isn’t, doesn’t the world feel like it is ending?) it’s especially important for your self care that you set aside some time to exercise. It doesn’t matter if it is 10, 25, or 30 minutes every day, just make sure that you set aside some time to get your heart rate pumping.

This is week three of the "coronavirus quarantine" for my family and I. And while we haven't killed one another yet, we are definitely getting a little antsy. The hardest part for me is not being able to work out at the gym like I usually do! To combat the lack-of-gym problem, I found a few great workouts to de-stress.  You will feel so much better!

Here is a great week-long workout that you can follow from Women’s Health. They have different sets of exercises that target different areas of your body. You’ll definitely feel the burn and you won’t even have to leave your house. And since we aren’t sure when quarantine will end, the workout plan is a whopping four weeks long.

This is week three of the "coronavirus quarantine" for my family and I. And while we haven't killed one another yet, we are definitely getting a little antsy. The hardest part for me is not being able to work out at the gym like I usually do! To combat the lack-of-gym problem, I found a few great workouts to de-stress.  You will be glad you know these!


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