When Life Gives Your Lemons, Drink Lemon Water

When Life Gives Your Lemons, Drink Lemon Water

I’m a huge fan of lemon water…not even going to lie. It’s refreshing, thirst quenching, and I love the taste of the lemon juice! But, you probably knew that lemon water tasted good, but did you know it’s actually pretty good for you, too? Drink a glass every day to help with the things below. It’s an easy habit to get started!

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Boosts Your Immune System

Drinking a lukewarm glass of lemon water on an empty stomach every morning can help boost your immune system. The vitamin C content helps to protect the body from diseases, infections, and anything like the common cold. Lemons are incredible, so make sure that you inject them whenever possible! It can even help prevent sore throat, tonsillitis, and other related illnesses!

Helps With Digestion and Detoxification

The vitamin C content, as well as the high levels of natural acidity in lemon water, do wonders for your digestion! Drinking warm water with lemon can help speed up digestion and boost metabolism rates. Not only that, but it acts as a wonderful detoxification tool.

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Cleanses The Liver

The vitamins found in the lemon juice help to stimulate the liver, allowing it to cleanse in a completely natural way. If you feel like you have indulged in too many alcoholic drinks, drinking plenty of lemon water for a few days can restore your liver. It’s always good when you can improve your bodily function in some way or another.

Helps Maintain A Healthy PH Balance

A healthy bodily PH balance is necessary for maintaining healthy (and efficient) bodily functions. If your body is too acidic or too basic, it can throw all of your hormonal systems out of whack, and that’s never any fun. However, you can realign your PH balance by sipping on lemon water. Drink it every morning for best results.

Helps Improve Skin Condition

Did you know that drinking lemon water can help your skin look better? Lemon water can help reduce the appearance of cellulite, wrinkles, and even stretch marks. It can even help reduce the appearance of dark spots. Seriously. Stay hydrated, folks!

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