Summer Heat Survival Guide

Summer Heat Survival Guide

I’m not sure what the weather is like in your neck of the woods, but in my area it is HOT. It hasn’t been lower than 101 in what feels like weeks and we are all desperate for a little relief. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like mother nature plans on cooling us off any time soon, so we are left to think of other ways to stay cool! Check out my summer heat survival guide to help you make it through the hottest months of the year a little more comfortably.

Summer Heat Survival Guide

Drink Water Frequently 
I know, I know. Water is obviously important. But honestly, so is the way that you drink it. Instead of only drinking when you feel thirsty, sip on a bottle of cool water throughout the day. Make it a point to replenish your water at least twice a day and limit alcohol consumption. Keeping your body hydrated is the best way to keep you cool!
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Take A Cool Bath (Or Go Swimming!)
Desperate for some relief? Take a soak in a bath filled with cold water. This should cool you down almost instantly, and you’ll be left feeling much cooler for hours afterward. Of course, if you have a pool in your area, head there to cool off instead! Just make sure to cover yourself in sunscreen, or you’ll be left to deal with more discomfort later!
Utilize Your Ceiling Fan
It’s truly incredible how a well-placed ceiling fan can keep you (and your house) degrees cooler on hot, sweaty afternoons. Turn the fan so it runs counterclockwise and pulls the cool air down to the floor. Place one over your bed and in your living room for the best results.
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Ice Your Pulse Points
Cool down fast by running some cold water (or even using a cube of ice) over your pulse points on your wrists and hands. Alternatively, you could fill a water bottle with ice water and place that on your neck or at your feet to cool down. This is also a great way to cool down without running your air conditioning for even longer!
Sleep Alone On Hot Nights 
I get it, I’m not exactly willing to spend the night without my SO either. However, on the evenings when the weather is supposed to be especially hot and stuffy, it might be best to sleep apart. Sleeping apart will definitely help to keep your temperature regulated on the evenings when you need it most. Of course, this doesn’t have to be permanent, either!
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