Green Tea: The Antioxidant Powerhouse

Green Tea: The Antioxidant Powerhouse

Green tea is one of my very favorite drinks to sip on. It makes me feel great, gives me a boost of energy, and leaves me feeling incredibly hydrated. What could be better? Green tea is also shown to help increase metabolism rates that may or may not help you lose weight. If I’ve convinced you to start drinking green tea, try one of these tasty green tea recipes today!
When it comes to health, we all have heard the many benefits of green tea. Mainly we have heard of it because of its antioxidant powers. We all could use a little more of those in our lives. If you are looking for some delicious and super nutritious green tea drinks, you are at the right place. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of green tea and get delicious recipes. Its a win-win for sure. #greentea #antioxidantrecipes #greentearecipes
Green Turmeric Tea
Combine fresh turmeric and a bit of ginger to a cup of steeping green tea. Let the mixture steep together for 3-4 minutes and then use a french press to separate the tea leaves from the water. Add some lemon and even a dash of honey for added taste. Turmeric is actually considered a superfood and can help those struggling with feelings of depression.
Green tea is one of the most popular drinks out there, and for good reason. This antioxidant will make you feel so fresh and clean. Look at these green tea recipes!
Green Tea Lemonade
This is my favorite drink for a hot summer day! Even better, this drink can be whipped up in a jiffy! To create, make yourself a cup of hot tea, and juice and zest two lemons into the mixture. Once that is complete, add a few spoonfuls of sugar (to your liking) and serve over ice. This is the best drink to enjoy on the front porch.
Peach Green Tea 
Peach tea always reminds me of the South, and this is one of my favorite recipes so I couldn’t help but share! To make, steep your own bag (or bags of tea) and then let cool. While cooling, peel and slice a peach and place in a food processor so that it turns to liquid. Run the mixture through a strainer and then combine with the tea. Add 1/2 cup of Stevia, sugar, or peach syrup for added taste. Yummy, right? 
Are you a green tea lover? You should be. There are so many health benefits from drinking it. These green tea recipes will have you falling in love with them.
Mint Lime Green Tea
Also known as “flat belly tea” this recipe is shown to help drinkers beat the bloat! Which is much needed, for me at least, after the holiday season. To make, steep your own cup of tea and then allow it to cool. Add the juice of half a lime and 2-3 mint leaves to the mixture to complete the taste. Serve over ice.
There's nothing better than a good cup on green tea. It does so much good for your body. These green tea recipes are so delicious. You need to give them a try!


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