If you’ve ever wanted to make your own homemade lotion bars, we’re here for you! From recipes featuring coconut oil, three ingredients or less, and recipes without beeswax, we are here to show you how to make natural homemade lotion bars.

Make Your Own Homemade Lotion Bars

Lotion bars are essentially lotion that is solid at room temperature. Once your warm skin begins to work the bar, it softens and deposits its moisturizing ingredients where they are needed most! When it comes to supplies, having a mold is essential. We love simple molds with patterns like these! If you’re looking for something a little more decorative, try a mold like this! Once you have the molds, it’s time to bring together some natural ingredients to make your own homemade lotion bars.
Homemade Lotion Bar Recipe 01: Chocolate Chai Tea Coconut Oil Lotion Bars

This lotion bar is perfect for your tea lovers! It has warm notes of cocoa and chai tea. The coconut oil ensures the lotion is ultra moisturizing, and the spices lend it a soft fragrance.
- 1/3 c. coconut oil
- 1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
- 1/3 c. cocoa butter
- 1 tsp. nutmeg
- 1/3 c. beeswax
Directions: Begin by filling a saucepan with 2-3 inches of water. Place a glass jar (like an old mason jar or small glass bowl) in the middle of the pan and bring the water to a soft boil. Next, add all of your ingredients to your jar and stir until they are combined and the mixture is smooth. When the lumps are gone, pour the melted lotion into the molds and allow to cool. You can put them into the fridge if you’re in a hurry!
Homemade Lotion Bar Recipe 02: 3 Ingredients Only Lotion Bar

With three simple ingredients, you can pull together these awesome all-natural lotion bars! These can be customized to match any preference, which makes them great for gifts.
- 1 c. coconut oil
- Optional: 1 tsp. vitamin E oil, essential oils
- 1 c. beeswax
- 1 c. shea butter
Directions: Start by combining all ingredients (except essential oils if using) in a double boiler or a glass bowl over a smaller saucepan with 2-3 inches of water in it. Then ring water to a boil and stir ingredients constantly until they are melted and smooth. Next, remove from heat, let cool a bit, and add any desired essential oils and/or vitamin E. Then gently stir by hand until essential oils are incorporated.
Last, pour into molds or whatever you will be allowing the lotion bars to harden in. Allow the lotion bars to cool completely before attempting to pop out of molds. If you don’t want to use molds, you can pour them into a baking dish and cut after they’ve cooled.
Homemade Lotion Bar Recipe 03: Non-Beeswax Lotion Bars

If you’re looking for an organic lotion bar, then this recipe is for you! It doesn’t use beeswax, which means it absorbs into your skin easier.
- 2 tbsp. cocoa butter
- 1 tbsp. refined shea butter
- 1 tsp. safflower oil
- 5 drops lavender essential oil
- 5 drops frankincense essential oil
- 5 drops rose geranium essential oil
Directions: Begin by filling a double broiler with water or placing a glass jar in the middle of a saucepan with a few inches of water. Next, melt the butter and oil while stirring constantly. Then stir the ingredients together until they are combined and creamy. When the butter and oil are combined, remove from the heat and stir in the essential oils. Last, pour the lotion into the molds of choice and place in the fridge for an hour. This recipe makes two solid lotion bars!
Before storing the lotion bars, make sure they are solid. Then place them in a cool and airtight container. They can melt if left at high temperatures. When you’re ready to use your lotion bars, warm in hands and apply to dry areas of the skin. I love lotion bars for dry patches such as knees and elbows!

If you’re looking for some DIY spa-like Christmas gifts, look here!
How do you carry your lotion bars with you in your purse
I would just pour the mixture into a salve container like this: https://www.amazon.com/Healthcom-Silver-Containers-Sealed-Screwtop/dp/B01H6ZMALI/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&qid=1520269275&sr=8-4&keywords=metal+tins+for+salves&th=1&linkCode=ll1&tag=lacasentinc-20&linkId=98ee60a4b445f160c5d6fa8deede842c
How do you carry your bars in your purse? What kind of a container do you use?
Get some of those deodorant containers (new ones from ebay or Amazon) and pour it in those. You should also use lip balm containers.