Earth Day Celebration Ideas For The Whole Family

Earth Day Celebration Ideas For The Whole Family

Earth Day is one of my favorite Spring holidays. While I truly think that every day should be Earth Day, I love getting together with my friends and family to clean up trash at local parks, and plant some new plant life wherever possible. This year, Earth Day falls on the Monday after Easter, and I already have some incredible celebration ideas in mind. Celebrate with us with the fun ideas found below:

Earth Day Celebration Ideas

Don’t Drive

If you can get away with it, celebrate Earth Day by vowing not to drive. Instead, walk your kids to school, and bike to work if possible. If all goes smoothly (and with these tips to get your kids out the door faster, it will) see about doing it once monthly. You and your family will get exercise, save money, and help keep emissions out of the air! What’s not to like?

Earth Day | Earth Day celebrations | Earth | planet | hiking | trees | recycling | pick up trash | garden | plant a tree

Plant A Tree As A Family

Grab some shovels and head outside to plant a tree. Typically, there are hundreds of tree-planting events happening throughout the country on Earth Day. You can even plant one in your own backyard. This is such an educational activity and it’s always tons of fun to get your hands dirty!

Earth Day | Earth Day celebrations | Earth | planet | hiking | trees | recycling | pick up trash | garden | plant a tree

Pick Up Trash Around Your Neighborhood

Clean up an area in your neighborhood littered with garbage. Doing so will create a more visually appealing space, and it’s a great way to teach your children about social responsibility. Additionally, if one area seems especially littered, evaluate the need for another trashcan and write in to your Parks and Rec department.

Start Your Own Vegetable Garden

Start your own backyard vegetable garden with the help of your cute kiddos. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a ton of space to work with, you can create a raised garden bed for any corner of your yard. Have your kids help with garden chores like watering and weeding (while under supervision, if necessary) throughout the growing season. It’s fun to watch what you’ve planted grow, and eliminating the farmer to grocer middle man is wonderful for the Earth.

Go For A Hike (Or Spend Another Way Outdoors)

If anything, make sure that you spend some kind of time outdoors this Earth Day. Go for a hike, a family bike ride, or play an outdoor game together. Just make sure you wear plenty of sunscreen before heading out, though!

Learn About Recycling

Teach your kids about recycling and create a method together to do it in your own home. You can even have them help you create a customized recycling bin for your home. These articles are also a great resource to help your kids learn what exactly recycling is, and how they can help the greater good by doing so.

Earth Day | Earth Day celebrations | Earth | planet | hiking | trees | recycling | pick up trash | garden | plant a tree


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