DIY Self Care Suggestions To Soothe The Soul

DIY Self Care Suggestions To Soothe The Soul

When life seems overwhelming, try one of these DIY self-care suggestions. They always help me feel better!

Are you finding yourself completely overwhelmed, worn out, and anxious? If so, it may be time to take a break (even if it’s just for a few hours!) and take some time for yourself.

Just as it’s important to eat healthily and exercise, it’s important to devote time to your mental, social, and emotional health. It’s crucial to make self-care a priority!

DIY Self Care

Sleep In

One day a week, I make it a point to skip setting the alarm. I’ve always loved to sleep in and let my body wake up naturally! I wish every day were a no alarm day!

Say “No”

This can be one of the hardest of the DIY self care suggestions on this list, but it’s one that I personally find the most rewarding. I love to help people whenever I can and sometimes that means I end up stretching myself a little thin.

Since I’ve learned to use the word “no,” I’m finding myself less exhausted and overwhelmed. Listen to your body!

Take A Bath (With Candles and Bubbles, Of Course!)

Seriously. Whip up the most luxurious bath of your life with this bubble bath made by the Honest Co.  If you’re not in the mood for a bubble bath, I recommend soaking in these relaxing Epsom salts. They’re great for your muscles and you’ll feel instant relief!

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Make A Homemade Face-Mask

I’ve loved making homemade face masks ever since I was a kid! For a favorite of mine, mash half a banana in a bowl with a tablespoon of orange juice and a tablespoon of honey. Mix thoroughly and apply to your face. Let sit for fifteen minutes and then wash off.

Go For a Walk

With no destination in mind! Going for a walk (either by myself or with my husband) always makes me feel better both physically and emotionally. You don’t even have to walk far, sometimes just a stroll around the block is all you need!

Read A Book

Whether it be a favorite read or something of a new genre, reading a book is always a great self-care idea. Curl up with one in bed, or head outside on the porch. Whatever tickles your fancy! Just the relaxing aspect of reading is a great DIY self care suggestion.

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Take A Nap

Why do kids complain about taking a nap every day? I could indulge in this self-care idea every day at 1:00 pm! If you’re feeling overwhelmed, try taking a nap (maybe even after your bath!) for thirty to forty-five minutes. It’ll help you wake up with a new zest and energy for life!

Take a Mental Health Day

Do it! You have paid time off and sick leave for a reason, use one of your days for self-care should you find it necessary. This is one of my favorite self-care suggestions and I try to schedule my work commitments around a mental-health day every few months. It’s like skipping school as a child, only now, it’s acceptable!

Do Yoga

It’s my favorite form of exercise because it’s encouraged that participants only do the moves that feel good to them. Practice for 15 minutes or 30 minutes, whatever feels good to you!

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