12 Ways to Fix Ruined Clothing

12 Ways to Fix Ruined Clothing

1. Snag Nab-It!

Snag nab it!  I hate pulling a snag in my favorite knitted sweaters.  That one tiny snag can ruin the entire sweater.  Thrifty Little Mom shares a fabulous product that solves our snag woes.  The Snag Nab-It is a special needle with a rugged end that, when inserted straight down through the snag, can pull the thread down through to the inside of the sweater.  How simple yet awesome!

2. Holey Cow

Man Made DIY shares a great tutorial for fixing holes in your favorite pair of pants.  Although this trick can be used on any type of fabric, it won’t leave a flawless look.  But, a little bit of stitching is worth being able to wear your best jeans even just a little while longer, right?!

3.  Stick To It

Getting gum on your clothes can be a sticky situation.  It seems like no matter what you do, you just can’t get it all off.  However, Cookes Frontier has a solution that proves otherwise.  Just use hot vinegar!  More details here.

4. Spoil It For Oil

Getting an oil stain seems like a death sentence for clothes.  Believe it or not, adding more oil and then scrubbing it with baking soda and a toothbrush will do the trick to foil these annoying stains.  Read more at Northern Belle Diaries.

5. Wrinkle Release Spray

Let’s face it, there are just days when you don’t have the time to iron your clothes.  This is particularly true when traveling.  So how do you defeat the wrinkles before they defeat your look for the day?  Just keep some of the awesome wrinkle release spray handy.  One Good Thing By Jillee shares how to make the mix.

6. Pain Free Paint Remover

Some of my all time favorite comfy shirts were ruined by paint stains.  WERE!  This trick from Tidy Mom actually worked and my shirts are back to looking clean and paint-free!

7. Stinkin’ Ink!

Getting ink on clothes can be a major bummer!  One Good Thing By Jillee shows how using aerosol-free hairspray and hand sanitizer can save the day.

8. Get Out of the Pits!

I’m not generally a sweaty person, but I think we all have those clothes we’re embarrassed to wear because of yellowish pit stains.  Make a mixture of Dawn dish soap, hydrogen peroxide, and baking soda to scrub away the yellow.  More directions here.

9. Zip-A-Dee-Do-Da

For as small as they are, broken zippers can make a piece of clothing totally useless.  Man Made DIY has three how-to guides for fixing zippers with a broken tooth, a broken zipper pull, and that split as they zip.  You will need a zipper repair kit, a flathead screw driver, a seam ripper, and a sewing machine, but once you get going, you’ll have your clothes fixed up in a zip.

10.  Whole Sole

Shoes and watches.  I could buy a new pair of shoes and a new watch every week and still never get tired of it.  Even with a closet full of shoes, it can be such a bummer when your shoe starts to split from the sole!  For these situations, Shoe Goo will have you feeling like your shoes are new.  Read more here.

11. Persuade the Suede

Suede can be a tricky material to clean.  What’s worse is that not every type of stain or scuff can be cleaned the same way.  Apartment Therapy couldn’t make suede cleaning any easier though with this simple DIY guide.

12. Buzz the Fuzz

Knitted sweaters are some of my favorite things to wear.  I love how they can match almost any look from casual to dressy.  But for as much as I love wearing knitted clothes, I also hate how they collect little fabric bobbles.  It can make the prettiest sweaters look ages older than they really are.  A Thrifty Mrs shares this brilliant idea for getting rid of that buzz kill fuzz.


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