Squeaky Clean Cleaning Habits To Adopt This Year

Squeaky Clean Cleaning Habits To Adopt This Year

I love to make resolutions in the New Year. This year, I am focused on being a little more present in my daily life. In years past, I have focused on being more organized at home, cleaning my house more regularly, and reading more. And with the change of a few habits, I made all of those old resolutions stick! If you’re looking to follow my lead and get a little cleaner in the coming year, I recommend implementing these cleaning habits. Once it becomes a habit, you’ll never go back. I definitely haven’t!
There's no better time than now to start adopting cleaning habits that work. Learn more about daily cleaning habits, habits for kids, the home and more. Habits are hard to break so why not establish good cleaning habits. Keep reading to learn how easy this really is. #cleaninghabits #dailycleaninghabits
Cleaning Habits: Daily
Though it seems overwhelming at first, keeping up on your daily cleaning tasks is the best way to keep your home cleaner in the long run. Every day make it a point to do the dishes (and run the dishwasher if needed!) and wipe down the counters (in the bathroom, too!). Next, take your bed every day, and walk through your home to pick up any clutter that might be floating around. You’ll be amazed at how things like this can help!

If you want to keep your home squeaky clean, you need to implement these cleaning habits to your life. You will be amazed at what these cleaning habits do for your home.

Cleaning Habits: Home
Once weekly, make it a point to clean out your fridge, wash your sheets, vacuum your baseboards, and wipe down the face of your cabinets. Every month, walk through your home and make an effort to declutter. You can donate what you no longer need to charity. If you make an effort to declutter at least once monthly, your house will be spotless. Plus, you get a tax credit if you make regular donations and who doesn’t like that?
If you want to keep your home squeaky clean, you need to implement these cleaning habits to your life. You'll be amazed at the difference these cleaning habits make on a daily bases.
Cleaning Habits: Bullet Journal
I like to call this bit “cleaning your mind.” I think it is super important to regularly express gratitude and remember how far you have come. Every day, before you go to bed, write down three things that you are grateful for. There’s just one condition, they can’t be the same thing every day. Expressing gratitude is supposed to help you feel happier in general. After you’re done, write three things you are planning to accomplish the following day (whether it be cleaning something or otherwise!). This will help you stay focused all throughout the following day.

If you want to keep your home squeaky clean, you need to implement these cleaning habits to your life. You will see a huge difference in your life with these cleaning habits.

Cleaning Habits: Kids
It can feel like you can never get ahead of keeping your home clean when you have kids. Sometimes it seems like mess follows them! To help combat the dreaded kid clutter, make sure that you (and your kids, depending on their age) never leave a mess overnight. Another good rule is to make sure your kids know to put a toy away before taking another one out. Though, this is obviously easier said than done.


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