How To: Make A Salve For Those Dry Winter Lips

How To: Make A Salve For Those Dry Winter Lips

We were absolutely POUNDED with snow during this last week, and my hands and lips are looking a little worse because of it! It’s hard work shoveling all of that snow! In times of dry skin like this, I never trust store-bought brands. I only trust my homemade salve. It’s super easy to make and you’ll feel relief almost instantly! Keep reading to see how I make my own because this is one of those winter hacks that you absolutely must know.

salve | winter | dry skin | dry | winter weather | how to | diy | lips


Here’s what you’ll need to make DIY salve at home:

¼ cup organic dried Calendula petals

¼ cup organic dried plantain leaves

¼ cup olive oil

3 Tbsp coconut oil

2 Tbsp cocoa butter wafers

6 drops Lavender essential oil

6 drops Blue Chamomile essential oil

¼ tsp Vitamin E oil (used to preserve the salve)

salve | winter | dry skin | dry | winter weather | how to | diy | lips


Step One: Place the Calendula petals and plantain leaves together in the warm olive and coconut oils. Infuse for a minimum of 20 minutes.

Step Two: Melt the cocoa butter wafers in a double boiler and set aside for future use.

Step Three: Strain the herbs out of the infused oil by straining it through a few layers of cheesecloth. Simply pour the oil through a cheesecloth (making sure to catch the filtered oil in a container of sorts). Because you don’t want to be wasteful, be sure to recycle the cheesecloth when you’ve finished!

Step Four: Mix the Calendula and plantain oil in with the cocoa butter and add the lavender and chamomile essential oils.

Step Five: Add the essential oils evenly throughout the oil mixture.

Step Six: Pour the mixture into a clean glass jar and let it completely solidify before using. Be sure to write the date in which it was made, just to be sure you aren’t slathering anything expired on your skin! Typically, homemade salve recipes will last anywhere from 4-6 months in a clean, cool, and dry environment, such as the one in your refrigerator!

Comment below and tell me how you like my homemade salve recipe! It’s one of my favorite winter hacks for healthy and dry skin.

salve | winter | dry skin | dry | winter weather | how to | diy | lips

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