Witch Hazel is wonderful! I learned about it from one of my friends back in high school and its been a wiz at clearing up my skin ever since. But that’s not all it’s good for: check out these awesome witch hazel uses for more!

Witch Hazel Uses: Skin Care
Soothe Diaper Rash
Not only does Witch Hazel help control acne, but it also helps baby with a diaper rash. To soothe baby’s skin, add a few drops to your regular diaper cream. You should notice a dramatic improvement!
Soothe Poison Ivy
If you’ve ever dealt with it, you know just how horrible Poison Ivy is. A quick application of Witch Hazel soothes the itching and reduces swelling. It works better than many over-the-counter itch medications!

Treat A Sunburn
Just as it helps soothe blemishes, diaper rash and Poison Ivy, witch hazel improves the burning of a sunburn. Treat sunburns with a few drops of the magic stuff to help reduce healing time and prevent peeling.
Help Bruises Heal
Dab Witch Hazel on injured areas three times daily to speed healing.

Witch Hazel Uses: Hair
Get Rid Of Dandruff
Dealing with dandruff? Massage a hearty application of Witch Hazel into the scalp. Then wash with your normal shampoo and conditioner. You should notice a huge difference in the amount of dandruff.
Promote Hair Growth
Not only will witch hazel help with dandruff but rubbing it into your scalp once daily will help promote hair growth, as well. What could be better?

Witch Hazel Uses: Cleaning
Clean Your Dog’s Ears
I have a little Cocker Spaniel, and they are known for having the dirtiest ears. Looking for a solution, I read that using Witch Hazel to clean dogs ears was perfectly safe. I cleared it with our vet, and I’ve been using it ever since.
Clean Your Jewelry
If your jewelry looks grimy, clean it with a cotton ball soaked in Witch Hazel.
Remove Stinky Odors
Get rid of stinky odors in shoes, clothes or around the house with an easy DIY spray made from Witch Hazel. Combine 4 teaspoons of WH, 6 drops of peppermint essential oil, 4 drops of tea tree Oil, and 2 drops of eucalyptus and thyme oils to a spray bottle. Add 4 teaspoons of water to the spray bottle and mix thoroughly. Stinky odors will simply vanish!

Clean Your Makeup Brushes
Use 1 teaspoon of pure castile soap and 1/4 cup of our magic liquid to clean your makeup brushes. Let them soak in the mixture for a bit. Now remove the excess makeup with a dry paper towel. Make it a point to do this at least once a week.
Homemade General Cleaning Spray
Make a cleaning spray that can be used just about anywhere. Mix 1/4 cup of WH, 8 drops of lavender essential oil and 1/2 cup of water. Mix all of the ingredients in a large spray bottle. Shake thoroughly before each use.
Interested in more homemade remedies? Try this salve for chapped lips!