Darling it’s better down where it’s wetter. Don’t flounder…take a look at these darling mermaid party ideas that are under the sea.

Imagine meeting a prince and falling in love. It would be pretty amazing, right? Well, it would be even more amazing if you were a mermaid. Make your little girl feel like Ariel with these cute and clever mermaid party ideas.
Mermaid Party Ideas
1. Decorate Seashells
Keep those kids busy with crafty activities like painting seashells. Stick with paper cut outs and make your own mermaid outfits!
2. Octopus Balloons
Bring the sea life to your party with these cute octopus decorations.
3. Mermaid Photo booth
Dress up your guests and send them home with fun photo keepsakes to remember your party.
4. Seaweed Treats
This is the kind of seaweed your guest are guaranteed to munch on.
5. Sea Shell Pasta
This yummy lunch is budget friendly, kid friendly, and delicious.
6. Hanging Jelly Fish
More sea creature ideas to decorate for the big day. I love how legit these look.
7. Crab Sandwiches
The crab shaped sandwiches can be suited for your party needs. Tuna, chicken salad, or crab salad? You pick! Kids will be “claw”ing at these.
8. Mermaid Princess Crowns
This is another fun party activity. Pre-make the crowns the night before and let your guests decorate them. Follow the link to learn how easy these are to make.
9. More Seaweed
This crunchy, tasty treat is one you won’t have to feel guilty about. I hear “seaweed” is quite good for you.
10. Under The Sea Cake
This gorgeous cake will make your birthday girl’s eyes glow.
Click here for another colorful party idea.