How to be a nicer person - being helpful

How to Be a Nicer Person – Different Ways to Be Nicer to Others

Being nice is an essential human quality that goes a long way. Even if it’s something as basic as holding the door for someone or paying for their food, you are spreading kindness. Nice people are an absolute joy and pleasure to be around. They motivate others to be kind as well and inspire them to be better. More than that, they make the world a brighter, better place to live in. So, the ultimate question that most people ask is: how to be a nicer person? has a little bit of everything. Get inspired with a range of tips. Stop worrying about the way you are treating others. Find out now how you can become a better, nicer person instantly.

Truth be told, there are many different ways to be a nicer person through your words, actions, thoughts, and behaviors.

While it might not be easy for some people because it challenges their social skills, it’s not impossible. One can still be nice and kind by conducting small acts of kindness.

If you aren’t sure how to be a nicer person or where to start, we can help you with that.

How to Be a Nicer Person

In the words of Jack McBrayer,

“For one thing, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being nice. There is nothing uncool about it; there’s nothing wrong with being kind.”

With that said, take a look at some simple and easy ways that will teach you how to be a nicer person.

Be Mindful of Others

All of us have something or the other going on in our lives. Be it work, studies, relationships, or anything in between, every person is dealing with different things in life. It’s quite easy for us to become preoccupied and caught up with our own things. In doing so, we tend to forget that other people also have their own issues, problems, stressors, and busy daily schedules.

To know how to be a nicer person, you first have to be mindful of others. We have to be aware of the fact that, like us, other people are also going through so much in life. That way, we can help each other, be there for them, and they will also be here for us when we need them.

Don’t Criticize People

Isn’t it super hurtful when someone criticizes you constantly? There’s nothing worse than unwanted criticism, especially when it comes from a loved one.

No one wants to be around someone who is too critical and always seems to be disparaging others. So, it’s as simple as this – don’t be that person. Criticism results in a very overwhelming kind of negativity that certainly isn’t pleasant. Always consider your words and think twice before speaking in an attempt to be more positive, sympathetic, and inspiring.

There’s a famous quote by F. Scott Fitzgerald that applies here perfectly.

“Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone… just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”

Be Helpful

How to be a nicer person - being helpful

It’s such a warm feeling when someone goes out of their way to help you, isn’t it? So much so that it wants to make you extend the same kind of helpfulness towards others, no? That’s how powerful and contagious niceness is.

It doesn’t cost a penny to help others be it carrying an elderly person’s groceries for them or giving up your seat on the subway for them. Being helpful has to be one of the easiest ways to become a nicer, better person. And, if you help others, they will help you too in time of need because that’s the ultimate beauty of it.

Always Smile Away

If you want to know how to be a nicer person, remember that – to smile is to turn that frown upside down and make everything better. And that’s what a smile actually does as well. A smiling person radiates positivity, optimism, and happiness, which is exactly what we need in this world.

Every time you make eye contact with someone on the bus or at the grocery store, simply smile away. You never know, a smile from you might make someone’s day – wouldn’t that be amazing?

Be Humble with Others

Humility is a rare quality, but it’s something that everyone deeply respects and admires.

Being humble facilitates growth, learning, and also helps build comfort and trust between two people. Humility simply means being modest, unpretentious, and self-effacing.

For instance, imagine buying a new car with your own hard-earned money. Instead of boasting about it and rubbing it in other people’s faces, the humble thing to do would be to thank all those people who made it possible.

Humility goes a really long way, and it’s incredibly important if you’re wondering how to be a nicer person.

Extend Politeness towards People around You

How to be a nicer person – the importance of thanking others

We all were taught the three most important golden words back in school – sorry, thank you, and please.

If you manage to incorporate them into your daily life, you are already halfway through to being a nicer person.

Every time someone does something nice for you, you say thank you to express your gratitude. Every time you make a mistake or do something wrong, you say sorry, and every time you need something done from someone, or you’ve got a request to make, you say please.

These might seem like such small and insignificant words, but their impact is really heavy and can really inspire others.

Politeness doesn’t only mean using these golden words; it’s also about being courteous and respectful in your demeanor. When talking to others, you should always adopt a civil, gracious attitude because these are the key characteristics of politeness.

Respect Other People’s Opinions

It’s quite natural for two people to disagree over something and have different and views and opinions. It’s also okay to stick to your own stance without agreeing with that of others but without causing any offense, hurt, or disrespect.

We all are entitled to our own opinions, thoughts, and views. But, if you want to know how to be a nicer person, you should be able to respect other people and their respective opinions as well.

Even if you don’t agree with what they have to say, it is essential that you be harmonious without being rude or impolite just because they think differently.

Make Time for Others

One of the best ways to be nice to others is to give them your time. Time is such a precious commodity, especially in today’s fast-paced world.

So, if you really want to make a difference and extend your niceness towards others, give them time. It could be your friends, family, teacher, or literally just anyone.

The idea here is to take time out for those people you care about and those who matter to you.

Pay It Forward

This is a popular expression that suggests how a recipient of kindness should extend the same to another person instead of just repaying the person who was kind to them in the first place.

So, if someone does something nice for you, you can do something similar for another person and make their day. The idea here is to keep the chain of kindness and niceness moving so that multiple people benefit from it.

This is such a rewarding method of being a nicer person because it won’t only make others happy but will also make you feel content and grateful in your heart.

Don’t Make Assumptions about People

One of the worst things you can do to a person is make assumptions about people that aren’t even true. If someone is having a bad day, they are likely to be quite moody because of it. However, it would be really wrong of you to think that they are always like that.

We all have bad days, don’t we?

Regardless of how well you know a person, never resort to hurtful assumptions about them. If you assume that a friend is doing fine but is actually down, you’re missing a chance to comfort them. Instead, be open to listening, wait for others to open up to you, and practice empathy.

Put aside your assumptions and try to find out what’s wrong so that you don’t end up hurting anyone.

Don’t Give Unsolicited Advice

It is human nature to want to advise others and give personal opinions but only do so when asked. One should always refrain from giving unsolicited advice because the other person hasn’t asked for it.

Many people are generally quite blunt and forthcoming and tend to give advice to people on their life, choices, etc. Don’t be that person. If you want to be nice, avoid being critical, interfering, and intrusive.

Each one of us has a different approach in life and different ways of doing things. No matter how much you disagree with their ways and approach, don’t comment unless you are specifically requested to do so.

Be Honest and Straightforward

If you want to know how to be a nicer person, you should know that you need to be honest, direct, and straightforward. However, note that there’s a fine line between being blunt and honest, and one should always be mindful of that.

Learn how to convey your thoughts, feelings, and ideas in a manner that’s both honest and open. But, make sure that it isn’t rude, too frank, or blunt. More often than not, bluntness results in hurt and offense, and one should avoid doing that.

Pay Attention to People and Remember Little Details about Them

If you really want to make someone’s day and be a nice person, pay attention to people and the little details about them.

Let people know that you care for them, listen to them, and are there for them. For instance, if someone was struggling to find a new job and successfully lands one, congratulate them and send well-wishes. This will let them know that you were paying attention to them. More than that, it’s the little things like these that will help people remember you as the nice one.

Compliment Others

Has anyone ever complimented your dress, lip color, tie, shoes, or just anything about you? Didn’t it bring a huge smile to your face and warm your heart? That’s the beauty of compliments – they can make a person’s day and also make them feel good about themselves.

Make it a habit to pay compliments to others because it’s a wonderful way to be a nicer person. Every individual has many amazing qualities and accomplishments that deserve recognition and admiration.

On top of that, this will make others feel great in your presence and also inspire them to be better.

Apologize Sincerely When You Are In the Wrong

How to be a nicer person - being a better person

It takes a lot to accept one’s mistakes and apologize to others when you are in the wrong. After all, we all make mistakes, but accepting them is what makes us nice people.

Oftentimes, we also end up hurting, upsetting, and offending others. Apologizing sincerely for our shortcomings and mistakes is what goes to show that we are better than our ego.

Expressing genuine remorse and sorrow isn’t a sign of weakness as people deem it to be one. But, in truth, it’s a sign of strength, kindness, humanity, and thoughtfulness.

As Mark Matthews puts it, “Apologizing does not always mean you’re wrong, and the other person is right. It just means you value your relationship more than your ego.”

Don’t Make Jokes about Others

If you are generally a funny, humorous person who loves making jokes, it’s a great quality to have. You probably make others laugh too and are the light of any gathering or party. However, it isn’t nice to make jokes about others and make them the center of your puns and witticisms.

Having a great sense of humor isn’t just good for yourself, but also for those around you, as it probably brightens their day as well. But, make sure that your jokes are targeting anyone and aren’t made at the expense of other people. You might not mean any harm or offense, but oftentimes, inappropriate jokes can result in embarrassment or insult for the other person.

Use Positive Affirmations

When trying to be nice, it’s best to start with yourself. It simply means being nice to yourself first so that you can easily extend the same niceness towards others. One way to do that is to use positive affirmations not just for yourself but for others as well.

Some examples of positive affirmations for yourself are: I am worthy of good things, my past isn’t the reflection of my future, I am a nice, kind person, I am strong enough to make my own decisions, to name a few.

Positive affirmations for others include: You are perfect as you are, you are a blessing in my life, you deserve success and happiness, you are worthy of many achievements, among many others.

Forgive and Forget

As mentioned earlier, we all make mistakes and have our own shortcomings. This is why every person should learn and practice the art of forgiving and forgetting.

This isn’t just about how to be a nicer person or a better person. The ability to forgive and forget is also a sign of personal growth and maturity.

Think of it like this. If you wrong someone and they don’t forgive you for it, wouldn’t you feel guilty for a very long time? Wouldn’t you want them to forgive you and forget all about it so that you start afresh?

Similarly, if someone does something bad with you, try to find it in your heart to forgive them and move on.  Do the same with others as you expect of them.

Don’t Make Things All about You

Oftentimes, people have a habit of hijacking conversations and making it all about them. For instance, if a person is sharing a difficult time of their life, don’t interrupt and start talking about the tough times you’ve faced in your life.

This just puts you across as a highly insensitive person who doesn’t have regard for other people’s feelings and emotions. Try to spend more time listening to others, paying attention to what they have to say, and offering solutions.

Instead of finding an excuse to talk about yourself, seize the opportunity to learn more about other people.

Practice Giving and Sharing

Nice people generally have a habit of giving and sharing, which doesn’t have to be anything big. It could simply be sharing your food with someone, offering someone financial help, or other such nice and thoughtful gestures.

Not just this, but give and share without expecting anything in return. The chances are that life will eventually somehow reward you for it in the form of something bigger and better.

The idea is to be there for people, but not to a point where they take you for granted.

Be Punctual

You might wonder what being nice has anything to do with being on time.

Well, punctuality is another key trait of nice people because it suggests that you respect other people’s time. Furthermore, it establishes that you’re responsible, you have discipline, and that others can trust you with things that involve time.

Being punctual is a sign that you respect others as well as their time. After all, no one likes to keep waiting for the other to show up. You wouldn’t appreciate people who are late and lack punctuality either, right? If you’re looking for tips on how to be a nicer person, being punctual is the way to go.

Have More Tolerance and Patience

“One moment of patience may ward off great disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life.”

One of the most important parts of how to become a nicer person is to have a great degree of patience and tolerance. Patience is a real virtue, and it is a wonderful quality to have. From letting an old lady climb the stairs to waiting for your turn at the doctor’s, have patience.

Similarly, from having different views on a particular subject to showing respect to other people’s culture, have tolerance. This will help you learn how to be a nicer person quicker.

Be Non-Judgmental in Your Words and Behaviors

Many people have a bad habit of judging others on things that don’t even concern them. This is one of the worst things you can do to a person because a nice person is never judgmental. If you want to know how to be a nicer person, practice empathy and try to put yourself in other people’s shoes before you form a judgment about them.

Always remember that every individual sees the world through their own eyes, through a unique lens. You might think you know people, but you most probably don’t. In order to be a nicer person, you must be non-judgmental and non-critical. Try to look at things from their perspective and understand where they are coming from.

Do A Good Deed or Gesture Every Day

Being a nicer person isn’t limited to making others happy, but it also includes feeling good from the inside.

When trying to be a nicer person, a great habit to inculcate is doing a good deed or gesture every day. This could literally be anything from making a donation to getting a gift for someone to helping a neighbor.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be a grand gesture but could be something small as well.

The idea here is to adopt a nice habit that benefits yourself as well as others in the long run.

Key Takeaway

If you want to be a nicer person, it all comes down to doing so because you want to be, not for any personal gain. Try to adopt and learn habits that not only make you nice in other people’s eyes but also your own. Ultimately, you’ll be able to inspire others, bring about positivity, and encourage others to be a better version of themselves.

Now that you know how to be a nicer person, where do you think is a good place to start?


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