1. Trophies
You can repurpose trophies in a number of ways. So if you spot them at the thrift store, you might want to think about taking them home with you! Make bottle stoppers, Christmas ornaments, or even coat hooks.
2. Ladders
Old wooden ladders can still serve many a purpose! Either as a quilt organizer or a refurbished chandelier, it’ll add charm to any room.
3. Old Books
There are a lot of fun DIY’s that involve the use of old books. Snag these at thrift stores for sometimes 25 cents a piece and hang onto them for shelf decor or a hide-your-internet-router project.
4. Cookie Cutters
The thrift store is a great place to find cookie cutters and sometimes you can score big and find unique shapes and sizes. These would be perfect for Christmas.
5. Halloween Costumes
Check for halloween costumes and ideas during the summer months when people are donating items they don’t use at home anymore. Even if you don’t save the costumes for halloween in the fall, the thrift store is a great place to find items for kids’ dress up trunks.
6. Frames
Every single you frame you find at a thrift store is guaranteed to be a bit unsightly. However, with a bit of spray paint, you can transform a $1 frame into something priceless.
7. Salt and Pepper Shakers
You’ll find the cutest antique salt and pepper shakers at thrift stores instead of overpaying at antique stores or specialty online boutiques.

8. Toys
This can be one of the best places to take your kids if you’re wanting to treat them to picking out a new toy without breaking the bank. Just remember to pick something that can be cleaned!
9. Tools
Check for household tools like screwdrivers, hammers, tape measures, and hardware. You’ll pay less than half the price of these items than Home Depot or Lowes. Just make sure they work properly before taking them home!
10. Wooden crates
Usually in the outdoor section you’ll find old wooden crates. They may look pretty beat up but they sure do make for some crafting fun. Sand them down, touch them up with a fresh stain and put them to use on your walls, as your shelves, or out in the yard holding potted plants.
11. Vinyl Records
You’ll have to sort through scratched records and lame artists but even those records can be used in fun craft projects. If you get lucky, you’ll find great records at the thrift store and they’re dirt cheap.
12. Baskets, Buckets, and Trays
Great for displays or practical use, you can always find discarded storage items like these at thrift stores.