How To Attract Songbirds

How To Attract Songbirds

I love sitting outdoors, listening to the songbirds while I enjoy my cup of hot coffee in the mornings! Songbirds add such a magical element to any garden, and it’s easy to feel like a Disney princess when the birds are chirping so close by. And while songbirds in the garden might sound too good to be true for some gardeners, the tips below will help you make that dream of singing with the birds a reality. Learn how to attract songbirds to your garden below!

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How To Attract Songbirds

Go Crazy With Your Landscaping

Did you know that songbirds like a diverse landscape with a variety of flowers and shrubbery to choose from? Plant a variety of things that grow to sized differently, as well. Songbirds like tall trees and other things they can easily hide inside of if the weather gets too gnarly. Basically, when it comes to attracting songbirds, it’s best to fill your yard space with as much as you possibly can!

Add A Birdbath

Believe it or not, birds really like to play in the water. They even bathe every couple of days! Make them more at home in your backyard with the simple addition of a bird bath. However, gardeners should note that songbirds do not like dirty bath water and it should be changed out regularly. In fact, I drain and refill my bird baths every Wednesday evening and sometime during the day on Saturdays. I think they love having a place like this to cool off.

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Get Rid Of Your Grass

I know, I know. Getting rid of your grass could be considered blasphemous! But yards with less grass and more trees, shrubs, and other natural elements make more of a welcoming home for our songbird friends. And depending on the area in which you live, getting rid of the grass could cut down on a large water bill in the summertime if replaced with zone-friendly plants.

Avoid Herbicides and Pesticides

It’s no secret that gardening chemicals when herbicides or pesticides can be harmful to wildlife. Chemicals like these are even said to harm songbirds. Use sprays like these minimally in your own garden, and resort to more organic pest control methods like biological pest control and frequent weeding to prevent garden pest problems.

Keep Pets Indoors

If you have cats or dogs, it’s best to keep them inside during the times of day in which the birds are more active. Cats especially are a threat to songbirds and many will not frequent any area where a cat frequently roam.

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