Every Day I’m Going Gray And That’s Okay.

Every Day I’m Going Gray And That’s Okay.

No one likes to age! Though I’m only 35 (as of just last week!), I could feel the years start flying by as soon as I hit 23. Now that I’m officially in my mid-thirties, I’m determined to put off aging as much as possible. While it’s basically impossible to put off aging altogether, I think I’ve created the master plan when it comes to aging gracefully. And yes, there’s more to it than eating healthy and getting enough exercise. Keep reading for my tips for graceful aging!

Aging | Aging Gracefully | How to Age Gracefully | Tips for Aging Gracefully | Tips for Aging | Tips for Aging Better | Age | Going Gray

ALWAYS Lather Up 

Really. Your mama wasn’t lying when she said that sunscreen would help keep your skin beautiful. Many dermatologists will attribute dark spots, wrinkles, and skin sagging to sun exposure. Keep your skin covered in sunscreen and keep a hat on your head when spending time outside. Your skin will thank you.

Aging | Aging Gracefully | How to Age Gracefully | Tips for Aging Gracefully | Tips for Aging | Tips for Aging Better | Age | Going Gray

Use Retinol

Applying a retinol cream to your skin is said to help reduce fine lines. Retinol is full of vitamin A, which works to nourish and smooth out the skin. Vitamin A is even said to produce tons of skin-enhancing collagen!

Diet and Exercise (Of Course) 

You knew this would make the list! Maintaining your diet and getting plenty of exercise is crucial to making sure that you age gracefully. Eat a diet rich in antioxidants to keep your skin looking pure, and engage in muscle-building exercise routines regularly. You won’t regret it!

Be Smoke-Free

I know, you probably don’t even need to be told! But even indulging in the occasional cigarette is unhealthy and can have adverse effects on your health. Stay smoke-free to keep your lungs, skin, and teeth healthy.

Stay Positive 

According to Yale Universtiy, people who maintain a positive attitude about growing old will live (on average) about 7.5 years longer than the person who does not. Now, this is definitely a trait I could benefit from adopting!

Aging | Aging Gracefully | How to Age Gracefully | Tips for Aging Gracefully | Tips for Aging | Tips for Aging Better | Age | Going Gray

Keep Up On Dental Checkups

Your teeth say a lot about you as a person, and over time, they may begin to discolor or even fall out with age. To prevent holes (or stains!) in your smile, keep up on regular dental screenings to keep your mouth healthy. Make it a point to see your dentist at least twice yearly!

Get Enough Sleep

I know, it’s easier said than done! But to keep your body functioning at a prime level, make sure that you are getting plenty of sleep every night. It is said that women who sleep an average of 5-7 hours per night had skin that bounced-back quicker from harmful UV rays!

Drink TONS Of Water

Do it. Chug as much water as you can. Every day. Really! You’ll see the results almost instantly! Drink at least half your weight in water every day to keep your body detoxed, glowing, and beautiful. Water is life, after all.

Aging | Aging Gracefully | How to Age Gracefully | Tips for Aging Gracefully | Tips for Aging | Tips for Aging Better | Age | Going Gray


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