10 Tips for the Cleanest Makeup Brushes EVER| Makeup Brushes, Clean Makeup Brushes, Makeup Brush, Makeup Brush Hacks, Clean Makeup Brushes, How to Clean Makeup Brushes, Popular Pin #Clean #Makeup #Beauty

10 Tips for the Cleanest Makeup Brushes EVER

There is nothing worse than letting your makeup brushes get ruined from being neglected! Here are some amazing tips on how to clean makeup brushes at home!

Keep your face looking flawless with clean makeup brushes. Let myblahblahblahg.com show you how to clean your brushes so they last for years. Keep reading and sign up for the blog. Receive weekly tips for free. #DIy #Cleaningtips #makeupbrushes #myblahblahblahgblog

How To Clean Makeup Brushes At Home

1. Try a home made, gentle makeup brush cleanser. Equal parts baby wash and coconut oil.

Clean Makeup Brushes At Home

2. This makeup brush cleaner sponge is great for keeping brushes pigment-free in between heavy washes.

Clean Makeup Brushes At Home

3. Try this other home made makeup brush cleansing solution: 1 C water, 1 Tbsp dish soap, and 2 Tbsp vinegar.

Clean Makeup Brushes At Home

4. Make your own mat for scrubbing your makeup brushes clean.

5. Don’t forget to clean your sponges! You can use a simple liquid soap by making a foamy bath for your sponge and letting them soak for a bit.

6. Dry your clean brushes with the bristles lower in elevation than the handles. This will allow all of the water to seep out and dry.

7. Check out these instructions for using professional cleansers.

8. Stick to a schedule. Bacteria from makeup and skin cells can grow quickly. You should be washing your makeup brushes at least once a month.

9. Never share your makeup brushes (or your makeup) with other people. It’s a quick way to spread yucky germs and we’d rather not all get pink eye or that itchy rash you had last month.

10. Makeup brushes are not meant to last a lifetime. After lots of use, and lots of cleaning, makeup brushes will start to break down. If you notice bristles on your face after applying your makeup, it’s time to replace your brush.

If you haven’t been in the habit of cleaning your brushes, it’s never too late to start! Start using these tips today and you will notice a huge difference. Looking for more makeup tips? Check out this post on 6 easy ways to organize all of your makeup.

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